Blood, Sweat and Tears

Galerie Donald Browne has just launched its summer exhibition Blood Sweat and Tears, featuring artworks by Paul Bureau, Michel de Broin, Sorel Cohen, Charles Stankievech and Eve K. Tremblay.


Donald Browne has a knack for curating exhibits with an implied narrative, and this show is no exception. A good example is the series of photographs by Michel de Broin and Eve K. Tremblay titled Honeymoons, which allows glimpses of a young couple frolicking in the woods. Pink panties around the ankles, ropes strung across trees, a shrouded figure sitting on a cooler – each image hides as much as it reveals. The old tale of Adam and Eve is retold by these two artists using a new array of symbols and visual associations. Though I prefer de Broin’s sculptural works, it’s interesting to see his twisted humor come through in this collaboration.

Galerie Donald Browne
space 524
Paul Bureau, Michel de Broin, Sorel Cohen, Charles Stankievech, and Eve K. Tremblay
Blood Sweat and Tears
exhibition period: July 22 – August 30, 2008

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