Nathalie Grimard at Galerie Trois Points


In the last few years, Nathalie Grimard has explored themes relating to dreamlike states and vulnerability. In doing so, she questions our awareness about aging and the passage of time. She also worked with the idea of vulnerability through representations of characters presented
either falling or jumping. She was interested in visually articulating how the body is fragile in this suspended state or moment.

The most recent production of Grimard is presented in Chimères, that is featuring a series of large scale photographs presenting two
 persons wrestling, two identities engaged in a fight that implies much more that it seems at first glance. On abysmal black backgrounds, two
 white bodies stand out, muscles tight and bulging veins, proof of the harshness of the battle. Once again, Nathalie Grimard dares to go with
 self-representation, adding a new duality this time: she seems to be both aggressor and victim, winner and subdued at the same time. The many 
conscience levels clash as if the artist was taking speleologist risks of going alone in unexplored underground tunnels.

Galerie Trois Points
space 520
Nathalie Grimard
February 20 – March 20, 2010
Opening: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 3:00p.m.

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