Charles Orme @ Maison Kasini

orme putto

I recently had the pleasure of stepping into Masion Kasini gallery a miniature arts empire that is owned and operated by two fine gentlemen by the name of Chris and Rick. Maision Kasini is part shop, part gallery and part printing press The shop represents approximately twenty artist selling small works and various artistic nick nacks , while the gallery represents ten artists regularly. The current exhibition hanging is Charles Ormes“Icaris and Pluto” series.

The series consists of a selection of photos in which the artist recounts the flight of Icarus which depicts the model on his journey towards the sun and his inevitable demise from flying to close to it. The Pluto series is more of a portrait with references of the fun gods enjoy with their omnipotent powers, in this case the roman god of the under world, as the model is depicted sitting or playing on and from a cloud. In both series the artist makes no attempt to hide the fact that he is illustratively replicating a fictional event or environment, as the viewer can clearly see external elements that are based within our reality and that these elements are used to create the compositions as well as references that the happenings are taking place or are with in our own realm of existence.

For example in the Icarus series the model is set in front of a sky scape flying amongst the clouds. The viewer can see that not only is the fictitious sky scape created with value gradation of painted blue to white, but also that the clouds with which he plays in are made of foam, the type of foam one might use to stuff a pillow. This background is mounted on a wall with in a studio which the viewer sees as a roof and floor are visable. No attempts to camouflage the space that encloses the fictional settings were made. As there is no effort to give the illusion that this is reality elements that would have been used to create the image have been left within the viewers eye sight such as the lighting and the harness with which the artists hangs from in order to elude he is flying. One can even see the two electric fans hanging from the celling which some how help further suggests the illusion of actual flight.

Many of the same elements are used with in the Pluto series, for the interior scenes a cloud (which is a monstorous contraption created by the artist) is suspended from the roof by thick industrial chains in front of a standard blue tarp. Once again the viewer can see that this space exists with in another based with in the world with which we live. For the exterior series which was shot both at night and at dawn many of the same elements hold true. This time although in a more natural environment the cloud with which the model hangs from and plays on is suspended from a crane which is on the back of a truck, once again no attempt to hide the truck is made and it becomes part of the composition.

All in all the images create a super fun, enjoyable, well thought out and show, where the artist gets to play within the mythical world of gods in which he presents. The work is excellently priced with these impressive high quality well composed photos starting as low as 500$ unframed, don’t let the price scare you though as it costs nothing take a look at the work and if you enjoy it there are reasonably priced catalogues available. Unfortunately though the cloud sculpture, which is also on display is not for sale. Check it out, as it’s worth your time.

Maison Kasini
space 408
Charles Orme
Icarus & Putto
January 27 – February 20, 2010

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