Latin Duo

Launching today at Visual Voice Art Gallery is the exhibition Kaléidoscope Latin featuring two Latin-American artists: Mariana Escribano from Mexico and Maria Idilia Martins from Venezuela.


Escribano’s canvases are a firework of colour. Her paintings are purely abstract, somewhere between 70s Retro-Chic and Minimalism. Layers of large and small dots create an incredible sense of depth and movement, especially in her large-format works. I’m reminded of micro-organisms, cosmic strings, seeds – but Escribano is careful to avoid any subjective references, wanting to leave the interpretation of her work as open as possible.
Martins’ sculptures also play with depth and pure shapes, but her work is strictly geometric. Her series of Revealing Boxes come to life as you wander past them. Martins draws on translucent gauze material which she then stretches across box-frames or suspends strips of the material from the ceiling. As the viewer moves, the drawings appear to float across the pictoral plane, creating an interesting interplay between two and three dimensions.
This exhibition is part of the Festival International Montréal en Arts which is taking place in Montreal’s Gay Village from July 3 – 6, 2008. For more info about the festival check out this webpage.

Visual Voice Art Gallery
space 421
Kaleidoscope Latin
Mariana Escribano (Mexico, painting)
Maria Idilia Martins (Venezuela, sculpture & installation)
exhibition dates: July 3 – 26, 2008
vernissage: July 2, 2008, 5:30pm – 8:00pm

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