Collect Art!

The Association des galeries d’art contemporain (AGAC) has organized a special exhibition for those who are thinking about getting their toes wet in the world of collecting art.

AGAC- Collectionner

Several galleries, some of them from the Belgo Building, have thrown their talents together and selected artworks which would be perfect to start your very own art collection. The resulting exhibition Collectionner l’art runs until the end of August at the Maison de la Culture de Villeray at Parc Extension.
Of special interest for the budding art collector is the round table discussion on July 3, 2008, featuring artists and collectors. For more info, check out this webpage:

Collectionner l’art
Maison de la culture de Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension
Salle de diffusion de Parc-Extension > complexe William-Hingston
421, rue Saint-Roch
exhibition dates: June 19 – August 31, 2008
round table: July 3, 2008, 8:00pm

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